Policy Center

We want our customers, users, and visitors to know exactly what InvestiVote is about. Thus we have developed a number of policies to provide value to customers as well as to inform everyone of their rights. Please check out our polcies below.

Privacy Policy

We protect your data and our data. We will never give your data to anyone. Read our Privacy Policy.

Terms of Service Policy

Terms of Service for usage of the InvestiVote website and contractual services are spelled out here.

Refund Policy

InvestiVote stands behind every qualified refund as described in its Refund Policy.

Comment Policy

Read our Comment Policy regarding comments from customers, users, or visitors of our site and products or services.

Copyright Policy

Copy rights shall be vigorously enforced by InvestiVote as described in our Copyrights Policy.

Modern Slavery Policy

InvestiVote is committed to the elimination of human slavery in all forms. Our policy that addreses this matter can be read here.